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I'm Sarah DeShaw. I have a minimalist's heart  and a business mind.


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How to Wash Cloth Diapers

Before I had my baby, I was sure about one thing. I knew I was going to try cloth diapering my little one. I just wasn't sure if I was going to like it! 


I got plenty of warnings about how gross cloth diapering is – all from people who have not cloth diapered before. People who did cloth diaper on the other hand seemed to really like it. Turns out it's really not bad at all (to me!). Once you're in the "parenting zone", you quickly get used to things like dirty diapers.

Looking for a great homemade baby wipe solution recipe? Check out my post on it here.

Cloth diapers not only create less waste, but they can also save you money. And best of all, the ones I use are blowout-proof. And, if you keep up on laundry, you’ll never run out of them at a bad time!

Here's how to wash cloth diapers:

  1. Every 2-3 days, toss diapers and washable pail liner into the washer. I grab the diapers at the bottom of the bag from the outside of the pail liner (the clean side) and then push them through the opening at the top, effectively turning the pail liner inside out for washing while not needing to touch dirty diapers much (if at all) to get them in the washer 

  2. Set water temperature to warm, add one scoop of powder detergent and run the wash cycle. 

  3. Once the first wash cycle has completed, add two scoops of powder detergent, change the wash setting to hot, and run a wash cycle again.

  4. Transfer diapers to the dryer, dry on medium heat.


Note: We use powder detergent to avoid build-up on the diapers, keeping them more absorbent.

Washing diapers does not have to be complicated. By doing a little bit every few days, I can ensure I have a constant supply, and stop everything from becoming too stinky. One of my favorite tools for this is my odor locking diaper pail and washable diaper pail liner, they help me keep everything cleaner and makes laundry a breeze. And if all else fails, light a candle - everything’s alright😉


Do you use cloth diapers? If you have a neat tip or trick to keep your cloth diapers fresh and clean, I’d love to hear about it in the comments below!


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