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I'm Sarah DeShaw. I have a minimalist's heart  and a business mind.


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How to Create an Ideal Sleep Environment For Your Baby on the Go (SlumberPod Review)

With a little one who needs a very specific sleep environment (VERY dark and a sound machine) to be able to fall asleep at night or nap during the day, I’ve needed to stay home a lot, with naps happening every few hours.

Between breastfeeding, and the nap schedule it’s been tricky to get time by myself. We don’t have family in town to help out, and I was sharing how I was feeling like I needed a day off with a friend, where I could just lay around and do whatever I wanted at my house, without interruption. She was so loving and generous to offer watching our little one for a FULL day for me. (Whoa!😍) The idea sounded INCREDIBLE, but I had my hesitations because I knew he needed a specific sleep environment, but my friend and I agreed to just TRY to let him stay at her place over naptime.

We scheduled it and she took him for the day, (or at least that was the intention). When it came time for a nap, she tried for over an hour to get him to sleep. Although she had blackout curtains, he was too stimulated looking around at what was illuminated by the light coming in through the edges of the curtains, to be able to fall asleep. I DID get some much-needed me-time, but we needed to pick him up early and get him into his room to nap, so his schedule wouldn’t be totally off for the night. If you’ve had a little one before you know how missing a nap won’t make your baby sleep longer at night - it often causes shorter sleep and more wakings at night.

I went home and started googling. I remembered All the Sleeps mentioning something about a blackout tent for a pack n play, and I found it: the SlumberPod. (link and discount code at the end of this blog post!)

I talked to my friend and we agreed to try again, this time with the addition of the SlumberPod blackout tent to the pack n play. (You can use it with most pack n plays/playards - check their website to see if it’ll fit yours!)

It went AMAZING. He was able to nap at her house for a normal length, in the same location as before, without the visual stimulation keeping him too interested to fall asleep! A TOTAL WIN!

THANK YOU SlumberPod (and my dear friend) for helping this mama get some much needed me-time!! I’m now imagining where else we could go and what we could do now that we can create an ideal sleep environment for our little one wherever he is! I’m really grateful for this tool to open the door for getting more support by now having the option for our little guy to nap at someone else’s house, without missing the naps he needs!

Use the code: SARAHDESHAW20 for $20 your purchase of the SlumberPod!

Link: SlumberPod pictured below

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