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I'm Sarah DeShaw. I have a minimalist's heart  and a business mind.


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Declutter With The 30 Day Minimalism Challenge (Free Checklist!)

Today we’re talkin’ about WHAT the 30 day minimalism challenge is, and I want to invite YOU to join me in the challenge! I’m personally doing this challenge it to help freshen up my space so I can as clearly as possible and save more of my mental energy for my business and content creation this year. For me, a cluttered space definitely equals a cluttered mind.

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4 Tips to Avoid Taking Blurry Phone Photos

Trying to amp up your photography game but feeling like the struggle is real to take a good picture?

You don’t need to invest your life savings in a creme de la creme camera to take a photo high quality enough to make it on your brand’s blog, website, or Instagram feed. Smartphones have come a long way and have the ability to take some exceptional photos. Some of the most influential instagrammers and bloggers are taking pictures with their phones!

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How to Get Perfect Lighting for Your Selfies

There’s no such thing as an ugly person, just ugly lighting. Since it’s safe to assume we don’t have access to 24-hour diffused sunlight for prime picture taking, we have to make do with the light we have. Nothing makes a photo better than great light. Whether you’re photographing indoors, outdoors or making do with lighting at night, these tips should help you take a bomb selfie.🔥

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11 Positive Affirmations About Time

Do you struggle with positive, constructive thoughts when you’re cramped for time? In today’s post, I discuss using positive affirmations to reset your mind when it comes to time. I’ve even included Pinterest-ready graphics, so you can pin and revisit them whenever you feel the need.

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25 Places to Use Your Brand Photography

Brand photography is a collection of photos you love that align with and represent your brand’s aesthetic, values, lifestyle, and personality. You can easily create these yourself on your phone, or if you’d rather, you can hire out the creation of these images. But, Once you have amazingly on-brand photos, where can you use them?

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The CRUCIAL first step to grow your Instagram following

I know some people will buy fake followers, or find other ways to try to inflate their following just so it looks good, BUT I bet you're here to grow your following in a way that will actually grow your business. The ONLY way to do that is to grow your Instagram following with real humans who are interested in what your brand offers offers.

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4 Steps to Reclaim Your Impact

When you have goals you want to make happen, but it's just not happening because other things, people, or events chronically take your focus and energy away from accomplishing it, it's time to draw a line in the sand and set some boundaries, so you can reclaim your impact.

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Simple Salsa Chilli

This recipe couldn't be more simple, and is a crowd fav! (Even my family member who typically doesn't like chilli asked me for the recipe!). And bonus, you'll do all the cooking for this recipe in one pot; yay for less dishes to clean up!

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Mastermind: Charleston Girls Trip

I recently went on an ah-mazing mastermind trip to Charleston with 2 of my biz besties. These trips are always pivotal for me + my business. (More on that soon!) In between mastermind sessions (where we'd dig into each other's business plans, share strategies we've been learning, and help each other dissect + shift perspective on personal blocks), we explored the sights and tastes of Charleston. It's work hard/play hard at it's finest.

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